Has OPD figured out what the common thread is in most of the murders?
Economic status of shooter, victim?
Race of both?
Common motive?
Common opportunity?
Common circumstances?
* * *
Moving on to actual crimes in North Oakland proper -- the Temescal/Rockridge brady bunch where the "legally" earned and taxed money's at...
we have muggings aplenty
we still have a good burglary burn rate
we lose at least five steel cages propelled by liquid explosive per week (stolen cars)
Who are the victims?
Choose from our three mutually exclusive specie of Temescaler/ Rockridger:
1 - mid 20s youngsters/artists/grungy or tatted out art students (35%)
2 - mid 30s young, urban professional yuppies who slave at corporate, inc. in SF (35%)
3 - mid 50s+ older people who lucked out and bought houses decades back (25%)
Note on car theft: see map below. City of Oakland had 106 officially reported car thefts in the last ten days. In the North Oakland area, 27 cars or 25% of the total.
Click for larger image-
Takeaway: we must all be making it too easy for them!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but "Vehicle Theft" to me means whole cars taken, not mere "Theft" of car parts of crap on your passenger seat.
-close windows completely
-lock your doors
-use a steering wheel lock - masterlock works better than "the CLUB" - get one at Reed Bros on 45th
-use your alarm
-park with your wheels turned into the curb
-leave NOTHING in your car for thieves to steal: coins, phone, CDs, cameras, laptops, blah blah blah
-don't tint your windows
-always remove radio faceplate
You can't prevent guys from hotwiring your accord or civic once they're in, but you can keep them out by using the steps above.
Check out this handy list of the easiest cars to steal.
Lots of useful, common sense tips, too.
Including, etching your VIN into every window:
"VIN etching is so effective that many insurers offer discounts from 3% to 15% on comprehensive premiums for cars with etched windows. Cars that have been VIN etched have a 64% lower theft rate than non-etched cars. And, a VIN etched car has a more than an 85% chance of recovery if it is stolen."
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